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    Jaller and Gukko: The Review
    ReviewSaturday, June 21st, 2003 at 12:12am by Rich, BZPower Administrator

    Although the two most popular new sets were reviewed earlier in the week, not to be forgotten is this set. Jaller and Gukko, a set that is available right now through calling US S@H is here for you judge. So sit back, relax and enjoy this review of a Matoran and his bird.

    Gukko Box Front

    Obviously the first item you will judge a set on is its box. It’s the first thing you see if you look to purchase something in a store, and it must be appealing. The size of the Jaller and Gukko box is the exact same size as the Makuta box. However, what is surprising is that the box is so large. One would typically expect a $20 set to have a smaller box. Rather, this box looks more like the box of a $30 set.

    Gukko Box Back

    The rear of the box includes images of the Jaller and Gukko the set, an illustration of how to pose Jaller, how to use his gear action, and finally a glimpse of the combiner of Jaller/Gukko, Takua/Pewku, and Makuta.

    Gukko Contents

    When you open the box, 6 separate items fall out at you: 2 large bags of parts, 2 small bags of parts, the instruction booklet, and finally a catalog.

    Jaller Parts

    When the instructions are opened, you will be building Jaller first. Using parts from bag 1 and small pieces from a bag of smaller parts, you will be given instructions on how to build the new Matoran. It is quite different than the old McDonalds Matoran in that many more parts are used to build these. Pins, hip joints, and other parts are used to make these Matoran.


    Another noticeable difference is that the new Matoran heads are not dark gray like the McDonalds variety. Rather, they are light gray just like a Toa head.

    Jaller Maskless

    After Jaller is complete, you are asked to open bag two and start on the Gukko bird. I did not have to open bag two, as apparently it was already opened and the parts spilled on the floor when I tried to move them to the building table. The parts are shown below.

    Gukko Parts

    For a $20, the build was extensive and time consuming. It may have been because I was preoccupied, however I found it tiresome. Regardless, if you are looking for more build for your buck, this set is for you.

    Gukko Solo

    After the Gukko is complete, you will be able to either keep him solo of place Jaller on him. The Gukko has moving features that allow its wings to flap up and down in order to make it more lifelike. That is perhaps the greatest component of this set.

    Jaller on Gukko

    All in all, the set is a great buy. Nobody should complain about any part of a set that has 221 pieces and is only $20. The cheap price, the lengthy build, and the overall grandeur of the set make this Matoran and bird a great buy. For the price and features of the set alone, I rate Jaller and Gukko an 8 out of 10.

    Gukko Beak

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