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    Set Review: 4528 Green Lantern
    ReviewSaturday, January 28th, 2012 at 10:29am by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
    [Source: Bfahome]

    Our first Super Hero review was all the way back in last year, but we haven't forgotten about the theme. Today, Bfahome looks at the Green Lantern constraction set. Read on to see what he thinks of him!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

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    Lantern's box is similar to Joker's, but changed to fit the different character. Instead of the Batman logo there's the lantern symbol, a stylized "Green Lantern" replaces "The Joker" as the name in the corner, and the age range and set number are moved to the top to accommodate Lantern's pose. The art is of Lantern flying through space while an innocent planet is destroyed behind him. Nice job.

    The back is again similar to Joker's, sporting an alternate model for inspiration, a second combiner model with Joker, and pictures of the socket joints.

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

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    Construction is largely standard, and in the same order as with Joker. Head first, then build up from the legs, adding first the skeleton then armor.

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    Now is where it diverts from the formulaic build. You attach a second torso piece to Lantern's back using a grey connector that debuted with the Phantoka. This second torso is fitted with three green Savage Planet "paw" pieces and a size three shell. After that you just add his mace thing and you're done, with two spare tan pinaxles.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

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    There are a good variety of pieces. Lots of limbs and shells in green, black, white, grey, and gunmetal. Surprisingly, it doesn't come with the new "muscled" torso armor piece, instead using the 2.0 torso armor with the green chest attached.

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    New and special pieces include the recolored shells and feet in green, Lantern's chest armor (printed, which limits its use somewhat), the Savage Planet shell decoration in white, Lantern's head, his "mace" pieces, and the friction socket connector. The end of the mace is the same mold that appears in the Black Phantom set, but in trans-green. Lantern's head, like Joker's, uses the Ben 10 connection method of a socket screwed underneath it. Unlike Joker, however, his head is one solid plastic piece, each color the result of different printing.

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    Unfortunately, the green in this set is not the normal Mata green. It's lighter, meaning you probably won't be able to use them together without some kind of separation.

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    Like with Joker, I was surprised to discover that the Green Lantern set actually looked okay. In the pictures, like the other Superhero sets, it looked cluttered. But standing in front of me it seems fine. Not far off from Hero Factory sets.

    His light mace is okay. It's got the look of something that's made of energy, but it's not as smooth as it could have been if they had included a second end half. I've found that if you flip the end around, it works quite well as some sort of concussion wave shot at an opponent, with the flat end looking as if it's hitting them. I also have difficulty seeing it as something coming from a ring due to how it's connected.

    Also the instructions and box art are misleading. The black axle is going to stick out half a length on the real set, rather than the smooth top shown.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

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    Aside from posing him (which can be fun and extensive) or swooshing him around, there's not much playability in this set. No functions, unless you count the spinning of the mace, and no launchers. But posing isn't that bad. There are even multiple ways for the shoulder armor to be positioned depending on the situation, which I think is cool.

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    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Recolored pieces
    • Actually looks good.

    What's not to like?

    • Inconsistent green
    • Might be a bit simple

    It's difficult to review this, because like Joker, my opinion of it is "eh." It's average, not exceptionally good but not terrible. It's decent. It's okay. It's something you'd buy if you liked Green Lantern, or if you think his armor is better than the other Superhero sets or Hero Factory sets.

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    Been working out.

    Be sure to thank Bfahome for this review in the Talkback - I hope you all enjoyed it. And thanks to LEGO for providing the set to us. I have three more reviews sitting on my desktop waiting for me to edit and post, so keep checking back on BZPower for those and more LEGO news!

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