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    Set Review: 30057 Anakin's Podracer
    ReviewMonday, February 20th, 2012 at 9:46pm by Benjamin, BZPower Reporter

    There are big sets and small sets, but it takes a certain touch to make a mini-set. LEGO certainly enjoys doing that with the Star Wars line however, paying attention to detail with the galaxy's coolest ships and vehicles. One such set released this year is 30057 Anakin's Podracer, which makes good use of some nice pieces. Read on to see just what this set offers.

    It should first be said that Anakin's mini-podracer was purchased as a polybag set at Toys “R” Us for $5 USD. Can it be found anywhere else at another price? It is worth a look, but these kind of things are hard to find as it is. One might have some luck at Target or Wal*Mart though, depending on how LEGO is distributing these.

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    Bag Front Bag back

    The basic promotional polybag catches the eye quite nicely with the bright yellow engine of the racer and the iconic LEGO and Star Wars logos. The basic age suggestion, set number, set name, and piece count also adorn the front. The back is rather dull for a LEGO set, just giving the normal copyrights and important info, among other things.

    For such a small set, almost all the pieces one gets with it can be seen on the front, which encouraged me to pick it up. From a pink lightsaber blade and some of the newish grey tri-axle techinc pieces, I figured it also looked cool enough to warrant my purchase. I can only hope I was right.


    Inside we find all 38 pieces easily distinguishable in one small pile. Not bad.

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    Clear parts Pink lightsaber! Engine 1

    Building is simple, really. Except I turned the clip tile in the wrong direction at first. Oops. Luckily while building things come together quite easily.

    Put it all together already Anakin

    The engines are the most interesting parts, but soon enough the podracer is finished.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    Top angle Front view

    The details for such a small set are actually pretty decent. The grey Technic axles sticking out the ends of the yellow Technic beams are not exactly ideal, but what are you going to do sometimes?

    Cool pieces Alright pieces

    The pieces that come with the set are the main reason I bought this set, however. The grey Technic pieces, the grey 2x1 modified brick with studs on sides, the transparent base and the pink light lightsaber blade are all plusses.

    Maybe only the biggest flaw is a lack of cables from the cockpit to the engines. LEGO could have perhaps tried using string strung between each part, but for a mini set there has to be some sacrifices.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with.

    Whoosh whoosh! Vrrrrrrrrrrr! Swoooosh! Boom!

    Hey, podraces are exciting and dangerous. Might as well prove that point. Kind of makes one wish LEGO had other mini podracers around. Oh wait...

    Old Mini Podracers

    Speaking of which, how does it compare to Anakin's mini-podracer of long ago? There is quite a bit more detail this time around, especially with the correct number of yellow flaps on the engine. Good job, LEGO set designers.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    The mini-podracer definitely has a cool factor to it, and plenty of cool pieces. Depending on its value to you, the $5 might seem a little much, but there are not too many license sets below that mark anymore anyway. Take it as you will, it is a decent mini-set all around.

    What's to like?

    • Pieces
    • Aesthetics

    What's not to like?

    • Price?
    • A few design flaws

    Ever desire a podracer but the other sets are either before your time or out of your price range? Then might I suggest the mini Anakin's Podracer.

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