Set Review: Ninjago 70722 OverBorg Attack
Friday, December 6th, 2013 at 5:16pm by Benjamin, BZPower Reporter
You don't have to be a robot hero made in a factory to be mighty. In fact, you might be a ninja spinjitsu master fighting robots instead! Today we take a look at a new Ninjago set: The OverBorg Attack! Does Lloyd have what it takes to fight against this new cyborg threat rising to evil? Read on to see what kind of punch this set packs!
A quick thank you to the LEGO Group is in order for sending this set to BZPower ahead of the wave's release. These will be coming out soon, but we're happy to give you an advanced review!
From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.
The box is bright and flashy, being sure to show off Lloyd's motorcycle and the OverBorg causing a ruckus. On the back we see the figs in more detail and how the OverBorg's seat-to-vehicle works. Finally, inside, are two numbered bags, the tread, instructions, and a small sticker sheet. (The stickers will not be used in this review.)
Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?
The build starts with a street ramp and trashcan, complete with trash inside! The motorcycle starts to become built, all from bag number one, and has a lot of neat bits to it, from the new slopes to the gold blades on the side. I feel like there should be some flames coming from the back of those cones though.
Finally, the rest of the set is the OverBorg's own motorcycle vehicle. Big and powerful, it becomes especially nasty with those rotating blade-arms protruding out from the side.
To start off bag number two, the Overborg comes out to play! He has a cool spider-chair that is sure to give him an advantage. I have a feeling Lloyd might get the upperhand though if he uses that ramp.
Now that each has beefed up, albeit with a slight advantage to the OverBorg, they are ready to fight it out, because that's how ninjas do thing, right?! I hope Lloyd can watch out for the spinning blades and laser axe.
Set Design
Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.
This set contains a great amount of new pieces and cool old pieces. First off, all those blades in gold and silver! And quite a few green pieces too, including a new bandana piece. The tread can come in handy for MOCing as well. Finally, check out the trans-red axe and, better yet, those 1x2 green curved slopes! There's bound to be something here to perk everyone's interest.
Lloyd's motorcycle is light and compact. Built properly, there will be no wheel resistance, allowing for him to ride freely across the floor. It is the same size as Spider-Man's cycle in the Venom escape set, but much cooler to look at.
The OverBorg's cycle is huge in comparison and is sure to do some damage. Unfortunately, if those blades plan on helping with that task they need to work better. I get the feeling that these are supposed to spin as the cycle moves, but so far I haven't had any luck with that.
The minifigs are really cool! Lloyd has an older hair piece but in blond, something I haven't seen before. His ninja garb is also neat, especially the new bandana to cover his face. The OverBorg's spider-walker looks awesome and works well! Plus having two robot arms to throw swords around for you never hurt either. Oddly enough, the OverBorg has a reversible face, but it looks like the usual minifig smirk. I doubt that could be a printing error, but who knows?
The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with.
There is plenty of role-play potential here between the opposing sides. If the arm-blades worked as intended it would be even cooler, but that's where imagination comes in. The fact that LEGO added a few more pieces into the set to give the ramp is a nice attention to detail.
Other than that, there aren't many other play features. The blades don't pop out the sides of Lloyd's cycle, there aren't any flick-fire missiles seen here (thank goodness). Not too many gadgets despite battling a cyborg. Take that as you will.
Final Thoughts
Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?
What's to like?
- New, cool figs
- An assortment of new or interesting pieces
- Sweet rides
- Lots of detail put into this.
What's not to like?
- Arm-blades don't spin when OverBorg's cycle moves
- Lacking in the usual amount of play features expected
If you're looking for a solid Ninjago set that won't break the bank (probably about $20), this set is calling out to you. If you're looking for something to expand your building arsenal, this set will provide some special pieces. If you are a Ninjago fan who just has to have all the sets, this one will not disappoint.
 Anyone can be a master of Spinjitsu!
One final thanks to TLG for sending us this set. It has been great to check out a theme I don't usually buy but admire from afar.
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