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    Set Review: 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace
    ReviewSunday, February 9th, 2014 at 9:41pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
    [Source: Sisen]

    We've got one more LEGO Movie set review for you (until the next sets come out, that is!). Today BZPower Forum Assistant Sisen looks at 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace, featuring the amazing and adorable Unikitty! Is this set all sunshine and rainbows? Or is it going to rain on your LEGO Movie parade? You'll have to read and watch on to find out!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    The box is well a box in its general dimensions. There are six sides to it and fabulous artwork. Set information is listed as well as the lovely cast of the set. The flower power catapult is showcased on the box too. (Oops I forgot to take pictures of the actual box; you can see it in the above video though!)

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    The set is a really simple build seeing as it is only a slight structure and mainly mini-figures. Cloud Cuckoo Palace has some little features like whirly thingamajigs and a catapult.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 01 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 02

    The pieces are where it is at in the set. There are so many different colors that people will find lovely. I mean there are Trink.
    (That's not actually hard to say as it sounds.)

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 03 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 04

    The mini-figures are great. Emmet is pretty much the same as the other sets he's featured in.

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    Wyldstyle is just a cool, unique, and powerful figure to own.

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 07

    Executron is sorta bland, but what he lacks in appearance he makes up for with his intimidating demeanor. He does have a little gold badge on his suit jacket if you look closely.

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 08 70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 09

    Then you have Unikitty. (Unicreepy if you ask me. I'm not alone right??!) Let's focus on Snail! Snail is the bombdiggity.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 10

    Snail rides! Yaaaaaay! Fun!

    Wait no... that would actually be pretty slow and boring.

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 11

    Cloud Cuckoo Palace leaves your play sessions up to imagination honestly. There's a catapult that launches rainbow flowers, so what else do you really need?

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Cool figs
    • Colorful bricks
    • Assortment and variety of pieces

    What's not to like?

    • Functionality
    • Unikitty (Joking. Sorta. Maybe.)

    While this is a really cool set, as I mentioned in the video I would probably not purchase it myself. It has a nice piece count and a wide variety of colors. If you want a nice color spectrum or some new minifigs this is the set for you.

    70803 Cloud Cuckoo Palace Review 12
    Unikitty is always watching you. Always.

    Big thanks to Sisen for battling illness and bad weather to put together this review. Be sure to thank him in the Talkback as well as ask any questions you may have. And of course thanks to LEGO as well for providing this set. This may conclude our LEGO Movie reviews, but you can keep checking back on BZPower for more LEGO news!

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