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    Set Review: 70124 Eagle Legend Beast
    ReviewThursday, April 24th, 2014 at 5:54pm by Benjamin, BZPower Reporter

    Caw caw! That's the sound of the Eagle Legend Beast swooping in for another set review during BZPower's Chima Month! Today LEGO has provided this winged creature for a video review and another to raffle off to you! I, reporter ChocolateFrogs, take a look at this set from all angles and determine if its worth taking to the skies with Eris, our Chima hero of the day, or if it gets grounded. Read, and watch, on!

    First, a thank you and shout out to LEGO for providing us with this and the other Legends of Chima sets. These set reviews are fun to make, and sharing the sets with members though the raffles adds to the fun. Want one of these sets for yourself? Watch the video review to find out how you can get your own Eagle Legend Beast.

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    Box front Box back

    The Legend Beast sets are packaged in a perfectly sized box—large enough to show off the set but small enough so as to not take up much space. Here, Eris and her steed look ready to stop some bad guys in the world of Chima. The back shows off the other Legend Beast sets available. Oddly enough, there is no advert for the Chima Online feature, and there was no card inside. I suspect this is because LEGO sends BZPower European sets, considering how two Legend Beasts sets I bought in the States had the feature and how European sets don't have a piece count on the box.

    On that note, this set has 105 pieces and is $10, a perfect price point in my book. The whole packaging is appealing and is sure to do its job in attracting buyers.

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    Base Structure Tale Talons Wings

    The set makes use of the new Mixel joints as well as various clip connections, resulting in a build that is more than just piecing some studs and tubes together and embracing the articulation as you build. It allows the tail and the wings to look full while remaining sturdy. But you might have a little trouble keeping it balanced on its legs.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    Glorious pieces

    The set comes with some great pieces, both new and old. The Mixel joints are of course a highlight, though this set only comes with eight. The variety, however, is welcome. The eye pieces for the eagle head stand out and will be interesting to use later. There are two 1x4 bow pieces among the assortment too. The golden ax is a personal favorite. Everything else has probably been seen before but is worth acknowledging.

    Eagle Eagle back Eagle side Eagle front

    From every angle, the Eagle makes its presence known between its wings, talons, and tail. The only complaint is trying to keep it balanced, but if being played with that will not be an issue and standing on a shelf should not cause too many problems either.

    Eris armor Eris front Eris back

    Eris herself looks fantastic, including the giant ax and great armor beneath her wings. Her “angry” expression could use a little work on looking different from the “happy” face, though.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with.

    Eagle fly

    The best way to play with this set is to hold it above your head and run around your room making bird noises and diving down to terrorize the bad guy Chima and help out the friendlies. Other than that, the set looks great on display, especially since the talons and wings can be posed with the articulation.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Nifty Chima Beast
    • Mixel joints
    • Eris—female minifig!
    • Neat pieces
    • Great price-to-piece ratio


    What's not to like?

    • Lack of modern playability (use your imagination!)
    • No Chima Online card outside the US (Canada maybe?)

    All in all, I really like the look of the Eagle and Eris. I find the whole build impressive to make a complete eagle with some cool features, including articulation and a place for a rider. Eris is a nice minifigure with some cool accessories in this set. This set fits right in with the other Legend Beasts. I can recommend this for any Chima fan or someone looking to buy a few new small sets that wants something cool.

    IMG 15

    Kevin on Eagle
    Fly, Kevin, fly!

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