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    Set Review: 70208 Chi Panthar
    ReviewSunday, June 1st, 2014 at 11:42pm by Benjamin, BZPower Reporter

    Running through the jungle on the chase for Chi, Panthar hides in the shadows and strikes with his claws. But what happens when he powers up on some Chi? Then Chi Panthar emerges, the Chima constraction set and the subject of today's review from the buildable action figure line for the summer Legends of Chima sets. From his claws to his large, bladed weapon, Panthar can be a formidable ally...or enemy. Read, and watch, on to see what is in store for this gold and black clad Chima set, and to see how you can win one too!

    Of course, a big thank you to LEGO for sending BZPower these Chima constraction sets, especially since they will not be available in the USA. If you live somewhere where these are available, go buy some! For anyone wanting one of these sets, check out the video to see how you can win your own copy of Chi Panthar!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    Bag front Bag back

    The bright orange of the bag catches they eye, as well as Chi Panthar's striking pose. The back shows how he can combine with Chi Fluminox to form some sort of Chi Kaita. The front has all the usual suspects like age suggestion, set number, and set name, but it does not have the piece count found on sets sold in the USA. I'd estimate this set has about 60 pieces, judging by the other Chima constraction sets.

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    Skeleton Add some armor Claws Built

    Panthar has a pretty usual build, the biggest notable difference being his tail which easily attaches at the waist. There is a nice, healthy dose of armor protecting all of his limbs and his back, a rare trait of these action figure sets but something that seems to be becoming more of a norm. The only problem I encountered while building this was attaching the chest armor after building the neck contraption (it hooks around from shoulder to shoulder)

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    Front Left Back Right

    Panthar has plenty of claws and a great amount of armor. Aside from the problem building his neck, everything falls into place and doesn't hinder other movements, including some longer-than-usual shoulder armor. I can safely say I do not want to be on the nasty side of those claws, or his sharp paws. The tail is pretty cool, but kind of awkward among the rest of his armored body. I really like how the gold and black colors are very prominent, with few visible specs of grey aside from the armor and weapon.

    New pieces

    There are a lot of new and interesting pieces to be found in this set, like the short double-joint (but only one) and the new blades. The shoulder armor attachments are also pretty cool. Other pieces worth mentioning are the new chest armor, the shorter claws, the new feet, and the two blades for his hand weapon.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with.

    Epic weapon Watch out

    Panthar poses pretty well, but his leg armor gets in the way of his tail making standing him up straight hard. But other poses work wonders to show off his mean side so no one takes his Chi! However you pose him, something sharp will be in your face ready to win a battle.

    Another slight feature includes the Zamor Chi sphere easily popping out of his chest. I suppose this is so when your various Chi-ed up sets are battling over Chi this signals a defeat. Overall, no playabilty like play features on Chi Panthar, but he always looks cool and dangerous.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Cool, new pieces
    • Bat'leth
    • Great poses
    • The colors look great


    What's not to like?

    • No pairs of cool, new pieces
    • Neck and chest armor don't fit well together on build

    Once the set was complete, it was clear this set was a highlight of the new Chima constraction figures. His colors match well, his claws and weapons are really cool, and he looks dangerous from every angle. While I don't like that some new pieces only come solo, at least they exist now and will hopefully appear in more sets to really add to any MOCs. I would recommend this set for any Chima fan or someone who thinks it is cool—because it is!

    Panthar vs Hinkle
    Kevin, Chi up!

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