Set Review: 76012 Batman: The Riddler Chase
Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 at 3:30pm by Benjamin, BZPower Reporter
Riddle me this, BZPower: What's red and yellow and goes really fast? If you said the Flash minifig, I guess you would be right, but I was thinking of duct-taped ketchup and mustard bottles falling from the top of Wayne Tower! Faster than that mess will be made on the pavement comes the set review for LEGO DC Super Heroes' The Riddler Chase, including a guest appearance by the Fastest Man Alive. Read, and watch, on to see if this is a set you should pick up quick or leave in the dust of the Riddler's dragster.
From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.
The box is long, which allows for the race scene on the front to really play out between Batman, his Justice League associate the Flash, and his foe the Riddler. Some cool effects make the scene really pop as all the characters try to accomplish their task—that is, getting away or saving the day. The back shows off some more play features like the flick-fire missiles and a Riddler bomb.
This set is $30 and has 304 pieces with 3 minifigs. So that puts it right there in the golden zone for set pricing. It also has the first introduction of a LEGO set Flash, a new outfit for the Riddler, and Batman with a smirk and in a grey batsuit, which seems to be unique to this set.
Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?
The Riddler's dragster comes first, sporting his signature green and looking sleek while doing it. A simple build, but very effective for the end restult.
The racing-equipped Batmobile is really cool. This is the first Batmobile I've had and built, and I was impressed with the overall design in build and look. It will look great on my shelf sporting other iconic LEGO vehicles. The nose sort of looks like a bat, and the sides are sleek. The engine in the back tops off the hero-vehicle look while also doubling as some flick-fire missiles systems (more on that later).
Together, we end up with two cool vehicles and a great scenario playing out: The Riddler driving off after a bank heist and Batman and Flash going after him. Who doesn't love some cool LEGO cars to drive around?
Set Design
Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.
There are not really any new pieces here, aside from Flash's mask piece (more on minifigs soon). But adding some money, Batarangs, and slopes, among other pieces, to your collection makes this set notable.
Riddler's getaway dragster is sleek, simple, yet detailed. The engine really stands out, but makes it look powerful as well. Were I putting stickers on, there would be some flaming question marks on the base and rear spoiler, which look pretty neat on the box art.
The Batmobile, or Bat-Racer, or whatever is appropriate, has the design one would expect of Batman's vehicles. The front nose gives off a slight bat-shape, while the back spoiler adds a little to that too. However, this lacks the signature bat-wings in the back, which is an odd thought but does not detract from the design given.
The minifigures are pretty neat too. I basically bought this for the Flash, and his minifig looks great. The helmet-design really works here, and the bright red stands out. The Riddler is in a racing suit, which works well for this set but might stand out if you placed him in a scene terrorizing, say, Arkham Assylum. No big deal though. Batman is also pretty nice with the smirk, but looks no different than usual overall.
The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with.
The weapons systems included in the cars are definitely not standard on the racetrack! Riddler has a tiny bomb build into the back of his dragster, and Batman's spoiler can pop up to reveal some flick-fire missiles. Luckily, the function for these includes a bar in the back to help facilitate launching them, making them work better than most.
You can also play around a little with the myth that banana peels are slippery to walk on!
Final Thoughts
Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?
What's to like?
- The Flash minifig!
- Riddler looks cool and Batman has his LEGO Movie-like smirk.
- Neat vehicles.
- Cool play features.
- Great price!
What's not to like?
- Bananas are slippery myth.
- Looks cooler if I actually put the stickers on.
- Riddler would look out of place off the racetrack.
 Riddle me this: What shows are starting up?!
I really liked the feel and build of this set. The cars are neat and look great, and I'm overjoyed that LEGO gave Flash his own minifig in the set (just like Aquaman last year). The play features are nice, and of course just having some cool cars to roll across the floors is always a plus. It will look great on a display shelf, if so desired, or add to one's piece collection. And you can not beat that price!
 Kevin, what are you doing?
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