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    Set Review: 70162 Infearno Interception
    ReviewThursday, December 4th, 2014 at 9:51pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
    [Source: Bfahome]

    Keeping with the trend of non-Bionicle reviews, today we're also going to take a look at 70162 Infearno Interception from this year's Ultra Agents line of LEGO sets. BZPower Blog Assistant Bfahome has taken a look at this light cycle-esque set and decided to share his thoughts on it with everybody. Will it help you defeat the master control program or will it crash in a blaze of bits? You'll just have to read on to find out!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

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    Greetings, programs! Or, at least, that's how I feel like I should start this review. The packaging, like the set, has a look very reminiscent of TRON. The main focus is obviously on the furious chase scene in the center. You can almost hear the motion blur. Agent Solomon Blaze chases Infearno in his "convertible car" (the Shop@Home site's name for it, not mine, so I'm gong to call it the Light Runner) through a futuristic city, missiles flying and dynamite thrown every which way. In their usual spots are the theme logo and set information, accompanied by an ad for the Ultra Agents app. In the top right, Solomon and Infearno duke it out to see who will rule that corner of the box.

    The top of the box shows the two minifigures, as well as a 1:1 image of the minifigure stud blaster that's all the rage these days.

    The back is very busy, cramming every feature of the set into the space. Shown are the ejector seat function, stud shooter, hitter missiles, and "hover mode" conversion. Along the top there is more information about the available app.

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

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    Well, as usual, the first thing you're instructed to build is the minifigures. Solomon is basically your standard figure, but Infearno has significant accessories like his flame armor and hover board.

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    The rest of the build is pretty solid. It starts with a technicolor skeleton of SYSTEM bricks that slowly get covered up by the monochrome look. Immediately I got a sense of how bulky the body is, with the integration of the eject function. There are many sub-builds that get attached to the main body, such as the front wheels and side panels.

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    A few spare pieces left over, including an extra missile for the launchers.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    This set has a few new and many interesting pieces in it, which I talk about in the video. Of note are the new spring missiles and Infearno's flame head.

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    Speaking of which, on to the minifigures! The set has two, Agent Solomon Blaze and Infearno. Solomon, as I said, is pretty standard. He's got a snazzy agent suit with some futuristic detailing, a double-sided head print, and gray hair. Also, he's the team leader, so Gibbs confirmed.

    Infearno has a bit more going on. He's a mix of red all over, with some gray and metallic details. He has bulky armor with some neat additions to make a flamethrower suit, and of course his entire head is on fire.

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    His hover board is a neat little build, with a few pieces attaching under a small minifigure surfboard to add jets and fire. A flick-fire missile piece is even used on the front as a laser or something.

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    The main feature of this set is obviously the Light Runner itself. Despite what I said about its main body feeling bulky, it manages to look streamlined and fast. It has a very cool look that seems like it would be right at home on the Grid, with the Flynns driving of course. It does suffer slightly from the Fenrakk problem of having the big detailed brick-built wheels on the front and then a couple of small standard wheel pieces on the back, though. The front wheel assemblies each use two spinning radar dishes on each side to act as the actual wheels, and I think it looks pretty cool.

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    The set's advertised features include the ejector function and hidden missiles. They're both pretty cool, with the missile turret blending in fairly well until it's deployed. The launchers are fairly powerful, too, and you should be able to get some decent distance with them. The ejector seat not so much. The TECHNIC mechanism shown is what launches the seat, a 4x4 round plate, when the red ball on the back is pushed. However, it doesn't always work perfectly, and might not even get your pilot out of the cockpit. This is especially true if you leave the windscreen closed, because it's nowhere near powerful enough to open it.

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    The biggest feature on this set, however, is its transformative abilities. Twisting the front wheels up and the back wheels down turns the vehicle into a nifty hover car. The wheels do a good job of looking the part of jets or repulsers or what have you, especially the front wheels. All the other features are still able to be used. I do wish that instead of an ejector seat the designers had found some way to link the wheel rotations, so that turning a knob or one of the wheels made the others switch positions. As-is you need to convert each wheel individually, and I think it would've put this set far and above to have some kind of instant-conversion function. Or maybe the designers tried but found it impractical on a set this size. I can dream.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

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    Aside from the usual "conflict in a box," this set does have some other fun playability. It's very swooshable, and fun to make fly around. Especially with the TRON look. You can have the Light Runner chase Infearno on his board, or the other way around. With the play features, there are many play possibilities in this set.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • TRON!
    • Transformation feature
    • Minifigures

    What's not to like?

    • Potential features that aren't there

    I think this is a pretty good-looking set that's also fun. It is $30, but I think it's worth it. Especially for the TRON look. Have I mentioned TRON enough? I don't think I have. But, putting that aside, I'd recommend the set. It's a lot of fun.

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    Unite against a common (creepy) enemy.

    Thanks everyone for reading and watching - hopefully you've enjoyed this review. As always, your questions, comments, and other feedback can go in the Talkback topic, where we'll do our best to make sure they're answered. And of course, make sure you keep checking back on BZPower for more news, reviews, and discussion on Bionicle and everything LEGO!

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