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    Set Review: Infernites Mixels
    ReviewSaturday, August 22nd, 2015 at 4:37pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager

    Welcome back to another BZPower set review. This time around we're looking at this year's batch of Infernites Mixels: 41530 Meltus, 41531 Flamzer, and 41532 Burnard. Will these guys light a spark under you until you rush to the store and buy them? Or will their candle burn out long before the legend ever did? Read and watch our review to find out!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

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    The packaging for the Infernites is pretty standard as far as Mixels go. They come in thick plastic polybags that you'll need scissors to open. On the front you see the set front and center, with an animated version in the top right showing you how the character looks in the Cartoon Network series. All three have the same background, although oddly enough Flamzer doesn't have the warning on the front like the other two. Most of the back is filled up with legal text, but we do learn that if we buy all three Infernites we can build the Infernites Max, and that these guys are just one set of the Series 4 Mixels and you must collect them all!

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    Ranging from 59 to 66 pieces, these builds aren't very complicated. Like most Mixels though, there's a good amount of SNOT building and some interesting connections made between the parts of each creature. Still though, they go together quite quickly, but they might give you ideas for your own next build.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

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    Let's start off by taking a look at the harder-to-find pieces in this set (there are no exclusives in any of these):

    • Bright Red Tail Tip (available in four sets)
    • Bright Red 1x4.5 Cover Plate with Curve (available in four sets)
    • New Dark Red 1x1 Plate with Upright Clip (available in five sets)
    • Bright Red 1x2 Hinge Plate (available in four sets)
    • Bright Red 1x2 45-degree end roof tile (available in nine sets)
    • New Dark Red 1x2 Jumper Plate (available in nine sets)
    • Bright Red 2x2 Inverted Dome (available in nine sets)

    Aside from the above, the rest of the pieces are pretty common, with a lot of Bright Red and Dark Red plates and slopes, various clips, and Mixel joints, of course. Since these guys are fire themed each one has at least one fire element, which helps set them apart from other groups. Overall, it's a nice selection, but nothing you have to rush out and buy just for the parts.

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    Looking at the final builds, Meltus is up first. I really like his head with those car fender pieces as eye sockets/ridges. They're attached to hinge bricks which allow you to move them around a bit to give him different expressions. He has minimal arm and leg articulation, with the former being clip hinges and the later being poorly-place Mixel joints. The tail and neck can move too though, so that helps improve his poseability. Overall, Meltus is a well-designed head attached to an average Mixel body.

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    Flamzer is pretty interesting as he has four legs and two arms, while most Mixels only have two of each. Unfortunately, each of these limbs is attached with a clip and so they only have one point of articulation on one axis. The tail has two ball joints though, and the top of the mouth is hinged, so there are some things you can do to pose him. Of the three, I think I like the overall look of Flamzer the best - it's fairly cohesive and organic. I wish there were some more Mixel joints though.

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    The last of the three Infernites is Burnard, which is an awesome name. I wish I could say the same about the Mixel. His arms and legs are similar to Meltus' in that there's not a lot you can do with them. A lot of the parts went into the head, and I think there's some great ideas there. The black bar for the eyebrows, the domes to hold the eyes, the claws for ears - individually they seem great. The final product, to me at least, looks jumbled and unfinished. It lacks a sense of cohesion that the other two have, and that's unfortunate.

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    The Nixel is interesting in that it's a completely SNOT build. The arms can move up and down, which is more than a lot of the earlier Nixels can do, so that's nice. For nine pieces, it's not a bad little model.

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    With all three Infernites Mixels, you can build the Infernites Max! I like the overall shape, which is mostly a big ball with limbs. The back looks a bit unfinished though, with the black SNOT bracket being exposed. I'm not sure what's up with the feet and why what I assume are toes are bent back like that, but it's a minor quibble. The arms have decent poseability with ball joint shoulders and hinge plate elbows, so that's a plus. The legs are essentially the same as Meltus and Burnard's though, so you can't move them all that well. His mouth can open and close too, and there's even an action feature! (We'll cover that more later though). The Max is a pretty solid build considering the restrictions the designers were working with, and I definitely recommend building it if you get all three Infernites.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

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    We discussed above the limited poseability of most of the Infernites, and I think it does hurt their playability a tad. It's their main play feature, apart from roleplaying, so things are a bit lacking. You can still have a lot of fun with them though, and Mixels in general are pretty adorable to look at. All is not lost!

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    Okay, I hope I didn't get you too excited above when I was talking about the Infernites Max' play feature. When you push and pull on the tail, the fire in his mouth goes back and forth too. It's not much, but it's more than any of the Maxes I reviewed last year had, so that's pretty awesome in my book.

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    The Max has more poseability than the individual Infernites, but is still hampered by the poor leg design. His mouth is so big though, he'll make that little Nixel into a tasty snack. There's definitely enjoyment to be gleaned from playing with the combiner, further increasing my earlier endorsement to build it.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Decent part selection
    • Nice head design on Meltus
    • Good overall shape on Flamzer
    • Play feature in the Infernites Max

    What's not to like?

    • Burnard's head needs some help
    • Overall lack of poseability
    • No exclusive parts and relatively few uncommon ones

    This year's batch of Infernites are fairly average Mixels, when you get down to it. There's some great aspects to them and some things that could have been done better. If you can get them for less than the $4.99 MSRP in the US then I would definitely recommend them, especially when you consider the Max build. Otherwise, there's a lot of other Mixels out there with interesting builds that you could pick up and have just as much fun with.

    I'd like to thank everyone again for reading and watching this review. We always love to hear your feedback, whether it be in YouTube comments or in the Talkback topic on the forums. We'll do our best to answer any questions you might have. That's it for now, so until our next review, keep checking back on BZPower for the latest LEGO news and discussions!

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