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    Set Review: 76036 Carnage's SHIELD Sky Attack
    ReviewSunday, November 29th, 2015 at 9:55pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
    [Source: Ta-metru_defender]

    It's been a while since we last posted a set review, but hopefully you'll be seeing some more to help you make your holiday wishlist, or perhaps to do your shopping for other LEGO fanatics that you know. Today, BZPower Blog Assistant Ta-metru_defender takes a look at 76036 Carnage's SHIELD Sky Attack, one of the smaller Marvel Superhero sets released this year. With a bunch of unique minifigs, is this a set you should web-swing over to your local store to pick up, or are you better off leaving it wrapped up in a web on the shelf? Read on to find out!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

    There's a LEGO set with Carnage and Miles Morales! Spider-Man in it. What more do you need to know?

    76036 Carnage 76036 Carnage

    The box is, well, box-like. There's Miles jumping (not swinging?) into action, Carnage attacking, and an unnamed SHIELD agent in a jet-flyer (according to looking aptly terrified of a serial killer with a symbiote. You've got all the normal other stuff there; the set name and number, the age range trying to tell me to stop blowing my paychecks on plastic bricks, cartoon Spider-Man and the Ultimate Spider-Man logo.

    The back shows off the other features; stud shooters that shoot, SUPER JUMPERs that jump, and a SHIELD Agent that can actually be not scared. How about that.

    There's also an ad for that Avengers game that's been advertised for ages now (and will come out in January!). But anyway. Box box box box. It's made of cardboard, you open it to get at LEGO bricks. Let's move on.

    76036 Carnage

    Look! LEGO bricks! For a second there I was worried.

    Couple bags, instruction book, sticker sheet; pretty standard. Unlike many superhero sets there's no comic, though. But that's neither here nor there. Let's put this thing together!

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    76036 Carnage 76036 Carnage 76036 Carnage

    Click, click, done. The jet-flyer is easy enough that a six-year-old could put it together (oh, so that's what the age range on the box means!). Having a box as the centerpiece is a cool touch and it's also where you put extra studs for the stud shooters. Aaaaand that's about it.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

    76036 Carnage 76036 Carnage

    The jet-flyer is, well, it's certainly a thing. The angled rotors are pretty cool, but don't be deceived, they're printed tiles, not actual spinning rotors. The stickers are cool accents and the color scheme works. Look, there's not a whole lot to say about this. It's pretty par the course for Marvel Super Heroes $13 sets, which isn't saying much.

    But you probably didn't buy this set 'cuz you thought it had a dope jet-flyer, now did you?

    76036 Carnage 76036 Carnage

    Minifigs! Of which there are three! Woo!

    Scared SHIELD Agent Steve (there, name!), is great. He's got a plain SHIELD torso which is great if you wanna make a generic SHIELD agent. He's got a two sided head too, if you wanna make him not terrified, but then, why would you?

    Now, I didn't read Ultimate Spider-Man, so my knowledge of Miles Morales comes mostly through the Spider Verse event from not too long ago. That said, he's a really cool character and it's fantastic that we get him as a minifig. He looks like him, and I'm happy.

    Carnage is beautiful. Which isn't the best description of him as a character, but as a 'fig he's incredible. Not only does he have feet and leg printing, but he's got arm printing too! He also looks appropriately monstrous which is what you'd want from him.

    Where you can really see how these guys look, though, is compared to their sorta-predecessors.

    76036 Carnage

    What I really like about Miles Spider-Man is the eye printing. There's some shading to it that makes him look animated, which I think is a great touch.

    76036 Carnage

    Carnage has the same tentacle contraption as Venom, but it's here that you can see just how much more printing he has.

    76036 Carnage

    Oh, and one cool thing about Steve the Scared SHIELD Agent is that you can swap out parts and make a Maria Hill minifig. That's a bonus in my book.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

    76036 Carnage

    The set has that SUPER JUMPER that's in so many of this year's superhero sets and something I don't really care for. It doesn't really do or add all that much and, unlike in, say, the Quinjet City Chase, there's not proper thing for you to SUPER JUMP Spider-Man into.

    More frustratingly, including the SUPER JUMPER seems to have meant not including a webline for Spidey to swing on. Which, c'mon! I want him to be able to *twip* around.

    That said, the included minifigs mean there's a lot of room for roleplay and storytelling, so hey, I guess it kinda works out.

    76036 Carnage

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Minifigs!
    • No really, it's a great selection of minifigs.
    • The jet-flyer isn't altogether awful.

    What's not to like?

    • The jet-flyer isn't altogether anything worth mentioning.
    • No web, instead we get another SUPER JUMPER

    76036 Carnage

    There's one reason to get this set. Well, two and a half, and that's Miles Spider-Man, Carnage, and Steve the Scared SHIELD Agent. If you want a cool vehicle, give this one a miss and shell out the extra cash for Rey's Speeder or the Guardians of the Galaxy Starblaster Showdown. But, if you want these 'figs and have $13; go for it.

    Thank you all for reading this review! Make sure you thank Ta-metru_defender in the Talkback for taking the time to put it together. We've got more reviews in the pipeline here at BZPower, so keep checking back for those and all the latest LEGO news!

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