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    Set Review: 76065 Mighty Micros: Captain America vs. Red Skull
    ReviewSaturday, May 7th, 2016 at 6:54pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager

    It's time for another set review here at BZPower - we're going to take a look at 76065 Mighty Micros: Captain America vs. Red Skull from the Marvel Super Heroes theme. This tiny set includes one of America's greatest heroes pitted against his arch nemesis with their miniature vehicles in one package. Will they battle their way into your shopping cart and to your home? Or will you step on them and crush the little things? You'll have to read on to find out!

    From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set.

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    The front of the box has a definite comic vibe with very stylized buildings in the background. The LEGO and Marvel Superheroes logos are top and center with a smaller Mighty Micros one slightly below. Captain America and Red Skull's vehicles take up most of the front, with the former seeming to have the tactical advantage. There's some effects added to give a sense of action and excitement. The top of the box shows a scale image of the Captain America minifigure, showing off the short legs that the minifig has. The back has another action scene with Red Skull losing the Cosmic Cube as a result of being hit with Cap's shield. The bottom shows off all of the Marvel Mighty Micros that are available in this wave (I'm guessing there will be more).

    Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it?

    The set only has 95 pieces but builds two vehicles - as you might expect the construction is not very complex. Captain America's tank is probably the simpler of the two, but still has some interesting techniques. The turbine piece uses a Technic half-pin to connect to a 1x2 plate with a perpendicular bar to hold it on top. It also uses some jumper plates to do a little bit of offset building. Red Skull's missile launcher has some SNOT on the front and back but is otherwise a straightforward build. Regardless, in less than ten minutes you'll have two completed vehicles in front of you.

    Set Design
    Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here.

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    With only 95 pieces, there's not a whole lot here. The exclusive and uncommon parts are below:

    • Olive Green 4X4X1-1/3 Mudguard - exclusive to the set
    • Dark Stone Grey 1X2 / 2X4 Angle Plate - available in one other set
    • Earth Blue 2.5X4 Racers Guard - available in four other sets
    • Silver Metallic Cup - available in five other sets

    Aside from the above, there's an interesting collection of pieces. You won't find a lot of basic bricks here - a lot of the elements are very specialized. Captain America has some nice Earth Blue pieces, but there's really not too many since most of them are big. Red Skull has a collection of Olive Green and Bright Yellow, which is cool. It's a decent variety, but not a lot of super-desirable ones in my opinion.

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    Red Skull hasn't been seen in a LEGO set in a while, and this version is unique here. His face, while very recognizable, is also quite cartoony. I like the look, but others may not be very big fans. I do like the coat print with the big belt, which looks like it could be pretty useful in different builds. The back, however, has a Hydra logo printed on it, which limits it utility a good bit. It's still a pretty nice minifig in my opinion - although I would have preferred full-size legs.

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    Captain America is similarly cartoony with his big grin and lack of pupils. He looks like he's come right out of a 90s TV show, especially his chest print. The pattern is continued on the back, completing the look. Like Red Skull, he has short legs, which I'm not the biggest fan of in this instance.

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    I really like the look of Captain's tank, small though it may be. Its biggest shortcoming is that the turret cannot spin, which disappointed me a good bit. I like the color scheme and wing stickers, which keep it feeling appropriately patriotic. The use of the bucket as the barrel is perfect.

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    Red Skull's missile launcher has some more meat to it and is a bit bigger than Cap's tank. It has a lot of sharp angles in contrast to the smoother curves of the tank, and I especially like the pointy nose achieved by the different slopes. The missiles on the back look like they're ready to cause havoc and destruction. The simple Hydra sticker on the top is a great accent and adds just a little bit of additional color which is welcome.

    The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with?

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    For a set targeted at younger kids, there's a noticeable lack of play features. There's no flick-fires or stud launchers in either vehicle, or anything of the sort. Both vehicles do roll around nicely though. The missile launcher's turret does move forward and backwards though, so there's that.

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    Where the Mighty Micros excel over the Star Wars Microfighters is that you get two vehicles in one set. This gives you conflict in the box and allows for some instant roleplaying fun. You can come up with a limitless number of scenarios for Captain America and Red Skull to become entrenched in, making for hours and hours of play should you so desire.

    Final Thoughts
    Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it?

    What's to like?

    • Vehicles look kind of cool
    • Exclusive minifigures
    • Two vehicles in one box

    What's not to like?

    • Tank turret doesn't rotate
    • Short legs on the minifigs
    • Nothing extraordinary in the way of pieces

    Overall I don't feel like this set is anything special. I would have liked some more play features, at least a spinning turret or some stud launchers. I'm also not a fan of the short legs on the minifigures, although I do like them from the torsos and up. There's some useful pieces and some new ones, but nothing that seems absolutely necessary. If you're a Marvel fan, it's cheap enough to pick up for the cute figs and builds, but it's not a must-buy.

    Thank you as always for taking the time to read and/or watch our review! We seriously appreciate your feedback, so feel free to leave it in the Talkback or in the comments on Youtube. I'm sure we'll have some more reviews coming soon, so keep checking back for them here on BZPower along with all the latest LEGO and Bionicle news!

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