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    Set Review: 71013 Series 16 Collectible Minifigures
    ReviewFriday, December 23rd, 2016 at 12:20am by Jason, BZPower Reporter

    I realize it's a bit late to the game, but today we have BZPower's review of 71013 Series 16 Collectible Minifigures. BZPower Reporter Xccj takes a close look at each figure to discuss their values. And to make up for the lateness, we're giving away some of these figs, so read on or watch the video to see how you can get your hands on some of these.

    Image of Box Image of Box Opened Image of Bag Image of Foldout
    Image of All Figs

    The latest wave of Collectible Minifigures in store shelves was the sixteenth series. It's actually quite impressive that this theme has gone on for this long, and they're still managing to produce new and cool characters, in addition to some welcomed rehashes. It's interesting that this series reuses the yellow background, which was used in the first wave of minifigures.

    The 71013 Series 16 Collectible Minifigures come in blind bags and go for $3.99 USD. LEGO usually ships them in a box that contains 60 bags, with a set distribution which makes some figs rarer than others. (I will discuss the rarity of each fig below.) Each bag contains a 3x4 stand element and a small foldout, which has become standard for the theme. One side of the foldout features a list of all sixteen minifigures, while the other side includes some simple instructions for the Cute Little Devil and Ice Queen, as well as an advertisement for the website. If you're trying to identify a figure in a blind bag, the best option is to feel for particular pieces, and I describe some of the best methods for identifying each figure below, based on my experience.

    Ice Queen

    Image of IceQueen 1 Image of IceQueen 2 Image of IceQueen 3 Image of IceQueen 4 Image of IceQueen 5

    The Ice Queen is a nice concept, and they take a different approach than Disney's Frozen character. She comes with a torso and slope dress, each with has nice azure printing on the white. In particular, the arms have some nice side printing. The tiara is apparently a new design, although the white hair piece has appeared once before. She also wears a two part glittery cape. But this isn't your benevolent queen, seeing as she's wielding two icy swords. The two Ninjago clear blades are attached to the new round 1x1 stud with handles, which were introduced this year in the Super Hero sets. I foresee this piece being very useful, so it's nice you get a couple here.

    The Ice Queen is rare, coming three to a box. The easiest piece to feel for would be the dress slope element, but you could also identify the small tiara element too. Be careful to not confuse the handle pieces with the round 1x1 studs found with the Wildlife Photographer and Cyborg.

    Desert Warrior

    Image of Desert 1 Image of Desert 2 Image of Desert 3 Image of Desert 4 Image of Desert 5

    The Desert Warrior appears to be a generic solider poised to defend his lands. He has a lot of detailed printing, from his printed boots on his two-toned legs, to the gold wristbands printed on his arms. His dark green turbine is also a new mold, and he wields a scimitar sword.

    The Desert Warrior is moderately rare, coming four to a box. The piece to feel for would be his scimitar, which has a unique shape, especially around the handle.


    Image of Cyborg 1 Image of Cyborg 2 Image of Cyborg 3 Image of Cyborg 4 Image of Cyborg 5

    The Cyborg is a highly detailed sci-fi character to add to the ranks of your space collection. She has nice robotic features printed on the side of her right arm and left leg, in addition to her head, body armor, and front legs. (Unfortunately, her torso has no printing on it, since it is mostly covered up.) The armor mold has been seen a few times before (as on the Series 13 Galaxy trooper, some of the Ultra Agents, and the 2016 armored Batman) but this one has some unique printings on it. Her hairpiece is also new in dark azure, with some silver streaks added to it for show. Her weapon is a standard space blaster, but they added a trans orange 1x1 round open stud to it.

    The Cyborg is rare, coming three to a box. The piece to feel for would be the large armor piece. It can be a bit difficult to determine its exact shape, but it is one of the larger elements in this series. You could also narrow it down by searching for the space blaster and 1x1 round stud, although make sure you don't confuse it for the round stud with the Wildlife Photographer.

    Cute Little Devil

    Image of Devil 1 Image of Devil 2 Image of Devil 3 Image of Devil 4 Image of Devil 5

    The Cute Little Devil brings us another kid in a costume, and is actually one of the first instances of a devil in LEGO. Among his new parts are the hat with devil horns and the devil tail piece. He also comes with a few nice recolored elements, including the black trident (the first time that element has been in a different color than gold) and the Series 14 Gargoyle wings in red. He also has a Jack-o-Lantern pot with a different pattern than the one used in the Series 14 Skeleton Guy. Overall, it makes for a recognizable character.

    The Cute Little Devil is moderately rare, coming four to a box. The pieces to feel for would be the wing element, the trident, or the handle piece. Additionally, you can search for his short legs, but be aware that the Penguin Boy also comes with them.

    Spooky Boy

    Image of Spooky 1 Image of Spooky 2 Image of Spooky 3 Image of Spooky 4 Image of Spooky 5

    The grayscale Spooky Boy is definitely into scary stories, and his outfit shows off his tastes. He has a nice LEGO skull head printed on his torso, but has more detailed printing on his dual-molded arms and legs. His face is white and shows off a concerned look, complete with a single fang. His hair piece is also new in black, and it only appears elsewhere on one of the German Football figs. His two accessories are a black spider pet and a book element with a unique "Spooky Tales" cover.

    Spooky Boy is moderately rare, coming four to a box. The main piece to feel for would be the book element, but you might also have luck feeling for the spider and its multiple legs.


    Image of Hiker 1 Image of Hiker 2 Image of Hiker 3 Image of Hiker 4 Image of Hiker 5

    It's always nice to get an outdoorsy fig, and we get that to a great degree in the Hiker. His torso has a nice jacket printed on it, complete with dark blue straps that match his new backpack mold. In addition to that, he has cargo pants with dual-molder brown boots. He has two facial expressions; one cheerful, and one quizzical, and both show off a stubble from his long days in the wilderness. His hair element, while not new, is a nice recolor in dark tan, although it does appear with one of the German Football figs too. He does have two tile accessories. The 1x1 clear tile is his compass, which has a standard design that is far more reusable than the compass that appeared in the Pirates of the Caribbean sets. The other tile is a topography map of the Greeble Trail, which is a nice touch for a hiker. Overall, I love all the little details they packed into this character.

    The Hiker is moderately rare, coming four to a box. The elements to feel for would be the backpack, the 1x1 tile, and the 2x2 tile. However, be aware that the Scallywag Pirate also has a 2x2 tile.

    Wildlife Photographer

    Image of Photo 1 Image of Photo 2 Image of Photo 3 Image of Photo 4 Image of Photo 5 Image of Photo 6

    We've had a few iterations of LEGO Arctic Explorers, but this is the first time we've really gotten an Antarctic Explorer, who is more focused on the South Pole. This is evident by the new penguin mold, which is highly detailed and even includes a stud on the back. We've had a few Penguin designs before, but this one looks to be a great addition to your LEGO Zoo. The photographer herself includes a nice red winter coat printing on her torso, both front and back. Both her arms and legs and dual molded, with dark blue on her legs and standard blue on her arms. The parka hood appears to be a recolor of the Series 5 Ice Fisherman, as opposed to the mold used on the Arctic Explorers. She carried a standard camera, which includes a black 1x1 round open stud to act as a lens, allowing her to get better pictures of the penguins.

    The Wildlife Photographer is rare, coming three to a box. She is a bit tougher to feel for. You could try locating the penguin, but its shape is not the most definitive. Another good piece to identify would be the camera. The 1x1 round stud is also easy to isolate, but the Cyborg also has one, so don't confuse the two.

    Kick Boxer

    Image of Kickboxer 1 Image of Kickboxer 2 Image of Kickboxer 3 Image of Kickboxer 4 Image of Kickboxer 5

    The Kick Boxer seems to be the female variant of the Series 5 Boxer. She even reuses the same boxing gloves and boxing helmet to good effect. The torso and leg printings are nice, and look reusable for other sports figs (and the legs are also dual molded.) She comes with a two-sided head to show off multiple expressions, and the ponytail mold is in reddish brown for the first time too. Oddly enough, she also comes with a black 1x1 cylinder to store her boxing helmet on, and that piece hasn't shown up in any of the promotional images of her.

    The Kickboxer is rare, coming three to a box. She is the only figure to not have minifigure hands not attached to her arms, and is also the only minifigure to come with two different pieces of head gear. You could try to feel for her ponytail hair piece, or identify the boxing gloves when you find her torso. The 1x1 cylinder is another one to isolate, although it may confuse some folks because that element is not on any of the promotional material for the fig, so they wouldn't know to look for it.

    Scallywag Pirate

    Image of Pirate 1 Image of Pirate 2 Image of Pirate 3 Image of Pirate 4 Image of Pirate 5

    In my opinion, the Scallywag Pirate is one of the weakest figs here, since we've gotten multiple great Pirate characters before. But putting that aside, this guy has some neat things going for him. He has some excellent printing on his torso and legs. The legs are dual molded, and the right arm has a cool anchor tattoo on it. It is a bit odd that his shorts are dark green and his vest is dark blue, but I guess there are worse color mismatches. His headgear is a new element, featuring a red bandana over a bald head, so I'm sure that'll be desirable for Pirate Builders. He carries a standard cutlass sword and a 2x2 tile with a new Pirate Map printed on it.

    The Scallywag Pirate is rare, coming three to a box. The unique piece to feel for would be his cutlass sword, but you might also be able to identify his bandana too. You could also find the 2x2 tile, but be warned that the Hiker has one too.

    Penguin Boy

    Image of Penguin 1 Image of Penguin 2 Image of Penguin 3 Image of Penguin 4 Image of Penguin 5

    Not only do we get another costumed character, but we also get another penguin in this series. The Penguin Boy pulls off the look nicely. His torso and short legs have simple printing on them, but they do the job, and his helmet is perfect. He also has two flipper arms, reused from the Series 15 Shark Suit Guy. Since he can't hold any accessories, he comes with two ice skates, which feel appropriate for his character, even if it does mean he can't connect to his plate stand. Overall, a nice character.

    The Penguin Boy is rare, coming three to a box. I would try to feel for the two small ice skate pieces, which will be easy enough to isolate. You could also verify if he has the flippers for arms on his torso. He also comes with the short legs, but so does the Cute Little Devil, so make sure not to mix those two up.


    Image of Rouge 1 Image of Rouge 2 Image of Rouge 3 Image of Rouge 4 Image of Rouge 5

    If you're looking for a medieval character, than the Rouge is for you. He has some great printing on his torso, both front and back, and sports a neat fox emblem. His legs have some nice printing too, and are again two toned to indicate his boots. His left arm is also two toned, although the same is not said for his right arm, showing that he is equipped to use his bow. His dark green hood is a new mold, and he comes with a full face beneath it. His accessories are a standard quiver and bow, and they help pull together his character.

    The Rouge is common, coming five to a box. The pieces to feel for would be the bow, the quiver, or the triangular hood.

    Dog Show Winner

    Image of Dog 1 Image of Dog 2 Image of Dog 3 Image of Dog 4 Image of Dog 5

    The Dog Show Winner looks quite spiffy. He's wearing a bright light blue suit, with his #1 ribbon prominently pinned, but he also has a dog treat in his pocket. His hairpiece is a brand new mold, although it's appearing as Bruce Wayne's hair next year. He gets to hold onto a silver trophy with a dog printed on the front. But all his winning aren't necessarily his own, because it's all due to his doggie pet. The white terrier is a new mold, similar in design to the Arctic huskies and the cats we've seen with other collectible minifigures. It looks pretty great, between the molded hair and the face printing, so I can see why it won first place at the dog show.

    The Dog Show Winner is moderately rare, at four to a box. The piece to feel for would be the two handled trophy. You could also identify the dog, but it can be a difficult element to identify through the bag.


    Image of Mariachi 1 Image of Mariachi 2 Image of Mariachi 3 Image of Mariachi 4 Image of Mariachi 5

    We get another Latin American musician in the Mariachi. He's wearing a snazzy black jacket and is equipped with a full black mustache, as well as a sombrero in black. His guitar design is very detailed with the printing, and there's a pin on the inside that he can grip too. I can see him being a desirable fig to build a band with.

    The Mariachi is moderately rare, at four to a box. The pieces to feel for would be the sombrero and the guitar, which have fairly distinct shapes. For a smaller piece to isolate, you could also feel for the mustache element.


    Image of Spy 1 Image of Spy 2 Image of Spy 3 Image of Spy 4 Image of Spy 5

    We've seen a lot of espionage characters in LEGO, and this Spy is just another one of them. He has some neat printing on his jumpsuit, including an A logo to identify his organization and a watch on his left arm. His tools are a black nozzle and a recolor of the Series 11 Mountain Climber's rope. He's also wearing a black copy of the Series 10 Skydiver's parachute, showing that he must be prepared for anything. He also comes with a pair of night vision goggles, but what's interesting is that they attach directly to his new hair piece, which is something I haven't seen before. Although he comes with a fair amount of interesting elements, I still feel like he is the most underwhelming of the Series 16 figs.

    The Spy is common (because of course the bland one would be) and comes five to a box. The pieces to feel for would be the nozzle, the goggles, the parachute, and the rope element, so there are lots to help tell him apart from the rest.

    Banana Man

    Image of Banana 1 Image of Banana 2 Image of Banana 3 Image of Banana 4 Image of Banana 5 Image of Banana 6

    The Banana Man is our third costumed character, but he's definitely one of the stars of the series. The main banana piece fits over his body, and has a nice shape and printing to it. The "Banana" logo reminds me of the banana cart from the 2015 Gorilla Grodd / Batman set. Underneath the banana suit, the fig has dark azure legs and a bright green torso, both unprinted, although the arms are dual molded. Meanwhile, we have a chill grinning face with sunglasses to give the guy his mood. Unfortunately, there's no accessory. . . like say a banana.

    The Banana Man is common, at five to a box. The piece to feel for, unquestionably, is the banana suit piece. It's the largest mold in this series and has a distinct shape, so it should be easy to identify.


    Image of Babysitter 1 Image of Babysitter 2 Image of Babysitter 3 Image of Babysitter 4 Image of Babysitter 5

    The Babysitter is there to look after the second official use baby mold, after it appeared earlier this year in the City Park set. The baby himself has recolor of the body piece in bright light blue with an elephant bib, although the tiny head is the same as the other. The babysitter herself has medium blue legs, a lavender torso, and again has dual molded arms. The torso is less reusable since it has a pug with glasses on it, but it works for her profession. The most interesting part is the blonde pigtails hairpiece, which is a first in this color. She also has a aqua colored Friends-style bottle to help feed the baby.

    The Babysitter is rare, at three to a box. The pieces to feel for would be the bottle element, pigtail hair piece, and the baby's body, although it can be difficult to identify that one in a bag.

    Final Thoughts

    In the end, this makes for a nice series of minifigures to collect. Although there are a few generic characters, they have enough interesting parts to make them interesting. Although it is a little late in the year, some of these blind bags can still be found at various stores. And if you want to get a chance to win some of these figs yourself, make sure to leave a comment on the Youtube video by the end of the year. If you do, you'll be entered in a raffle to win a full set of sixteen collectible minifigures, and perhaps a few extras too.

    Thanks again for reading another BZPower set review. LEGO was very generous to donate these minfigures, and the thoughts and opinions in this review are entirely my own. Stay tuned for more BZPower set reviews!

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