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    Set Review: 8626 Irnakk
    ReviewSunday, April 2nd, 2006 at 6:52pm by Andrew, BZPower News Manager
    [Source: Darnzerf]

    We promised you an Irnakk Review, so here it is. Thanks go to Darnzerf for helping out BZPower by reviewing this set. Read on to see what he thinks and decide for yourself whether or not to buy this combiner.

    The the most superficial part of any LEGO product, but the one that often determines whether or not the set is a success or failure.

    Irnakk Box Front

    The box is surprisingly big. It’s a little bigger than the Lhikan and Kikanalo set.

    Irnakk Box Back

    The back of the box shows you the three Piraka used to make Irnakk (Vezok, Thok, and Reidak), and Irnakk himself. You also see Irnakk’s features, such as the glow in the dark teeth, the light-up eyes, and the Zamor Sphere Launcher.

    So you've bought it and taken it home (or at least made it to the car), punched the perforated tabs and dump out the contents.  What do you get for your money?

    Irnakk Contents

    The first glimpse of the materials inside the box. You can see the 4 Piraka spines and all the materials (inside the bags, of course) in a pile. The instructions of this set include how to build Irnakk, and the three Piraka, The instructions also some sneak peeks of Axonn, Brutaka, Vezon and Fenrakk, and the new Bionicle game (Bionicle Heroes).

    Here's where we start to cut to the heart of the matter.  You didn't buy this box for all the glossy booklets & creative artwork.  You want to know about the LEGO bricks & bits that are included, and what (if any) new & interesting parts you'll find inside.  Here's also where I'll talk about any new and/or interesing pieces that you will encounter.

    Irnakk Pieces

    Unfortunately, some of the pieces are cut out of this picture. Despite this, no pieces are excluded entirely. The only new pieces you see here are the golden Thok spine, and the four golden tubes. There are 12 Zamor Spheres included, along with three light-up eyes, which you can use for Vezok, Thok, and Reidak or Irnakk.

    What can you expect while putting this model together?

    Irnakk 1

    Irnakk is really fun to build. You don’t expect what’s going to happen next. The claws on the side are unique, as they help Irnakk keep his Zamor Spheres together inside his body. Building Irmak’s right hand is fun, as it can hold four Zamor Spheres. Half of this set’s fun ability is building the set itself.

    So you've got the model together, but is it more like playing with a block of wood or an interactive toy?

    Irnakk 2

    One of the best parts of Bionicle sets; playing with them! The articulation in Irnakk makes the set seem realistic, as you cannot bend the legs all the way back. I have to say that I like Irnakk’s right hand the most. It can be a giant fist, or a Zamor Sphere loader. The downfall though is that you cannot put the arm all the way down. The two Piraka skulls on Irnakk’s left hand glow in the dark, and also light up, which adds to the playing experience. The Zamor Spheres inside Irnakk’s body tend to fall out, so it would be best if you used the spheres’ dented side to make them stay put. You can pose this guy really well, especially since he has many joints. The downfall is that the set does not have as much articulation as the regular Piraka.

    Here's where it all boils down to whether the model is worth your money and time or not.

    Irnakk 3

    Irnakk is definitely worth the money. What’s to say? This set is a 3-in-1 pack. If you don’t have any of the three Piraka included, you can take apart Irnakk, and build them. If you already have the three Piraka, you can always use the extra pieces to build your own creation. I highly recommend you getting this set, as even a fan who doesn’t like Bionicle as much would like Irnakk.

    I'd like to once again thank Darnzerf for his superb review and for taking the time out of his schedule to do it. Make sure you all thank him too in the Talkback topic, and keep watching here for our upcoming review of Piraka Attack!

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